12 Effective Law Of Attraction Tips

12 Effective Law Of Attraction Tips

1. Talk to yourself more. The law of attraction works best when you know clearly who you are and what you want out of life. This communication can be completely nonverbal.

2. Always start your day with something you are grateful for. Some days this is easy and some days it’s not. Whatever you do, don’t rush this part. Use the imagination you had when you were a child and feel the powerful emotions of gratitude.

3. Get a journal. There is a lot going on in that head of yours. Either get a notebook or download a free one from the internet. The good ones can be password protected for privacy.

4. Write down questions. You have asked “How you doing?” to countless people in your life. It’s high time you asked it of yourself. Ask yourself many questions and don’t be shy about it.

5. Hypothetical questions time. These can help a lot on days when you can’t think of questions to ask yourself. Some examples could be If I could go anywhere... If I could experience one thing... Is wealth more important than...

6. Be prepared to change your mind. The great thing about a journal is that you can flip or click back a week or a month and discover your priorities have changed. This is why tip #1 is #1. You will also find that your answers to important questions may change as well. We are always progressing as human beings, even if we don’t always feel like we are. Just realize that this is normal. After all, who doesn’t change their mind about certain things occasionally?.

7. Ask for the thing you want. Every last human being on earth has the right to be happy and attract into their lives the things and circumstances we desire the most.

8. Practice every chance you get on small stuff. Take every opportunity to attract small things into your life that make you happy and reward yourself by savoring the small victories.

9. Visualize the having it now. Every time you ask for something very important to you go online and find a picture of it or one that represents it. Now close your eyes and daydream a little.

10. Give yourself a break and relax whenever you can. This includes plenty of sleep, a casual walk, or meditation. Allow your batteries to recharge so that you can function properly.

11. Laugh at every opportunity. Laughing makes us all happy and it’s always a great idea to approach the law of attraction from a position of strength. We are strong when we are happy.

12. Reflect in your journal every chance you get. When you document a pleasant thought, what you are really doing is preserving it. You can look back at your words and live it all over again as if you were looking at a pleasant picture from a photo album.


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