Law of Attraction - Time
Let us suppose that we could regain all the time we have ever wasted on things that didn’t matter at all to us. We get it all back and time just stops while we are spending it. What would you spend your wasted time on?
A waste of time can be defined as anything we have ever done just to pass the time for which we got absolutely nothing out of. If you were entertained or learned something then it wasn’t a waste of time. Here is personal example.
1. I used to watch entire runs of certain television series I didn’t really care for. I admit now to only watching them to pass the time. Some of these shows have ran ten seasons or more at one hour per episode.
10 seasons x 12 episodes per season x 60 minutes per episode.
That comes out to 7200 minutes of completely wasted time.
For that one show alone, I could have added an extra fifteen minutes towards something I enjoyed for four hundred and eighty days in a row. The whole point is that we have the power to steal our time back from things that don’t matter and apply them toward things that do. If you look hard, you will find some time in most of your days to give toward our self growth and gain real rewards, whatever those rewards might be.
It's really self empowering to write down one of your dreams and commit to steal some time away from something in your day that doesn't matter. I'd write some more but my favorite show is about to come on. Yes, this show is worth the time.
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