Become the Ideal You Today

Become the ideal you today!


If you are working on changing things in your life, chances are you are going to need some practice, especially if it's a far cry from your current situation. The best way I know of to practice is to do as we did as pretend. Research has shown that it is possible to “Fake it until you make it..or become it.” 
Why wait for favorable situations and events to transpire to become your ideal self? You can feel it and live it today…right now! Now is the time to become the ideal you, the one you wish to be. Here is a great way to discover how!

Write down several questions to ask yourself. How does the desired you react to things? How does the desired you treat others? Is the desired you a doer or a thinker? 

After you have asked about a dozen important questions, answer them as simply as possible.

Write affirmations that replace any undesired questions with new desired answers. I always do things I need to do the moment I think of them, for example would answer the question Would the desired me procrastinate?.

Act The Part
Act out those new affirmations as if you were acting or playing, the whole world around you being your stage, everyone you see being extras in your production. True, you will only be  pretending. But if you persistently experience these sensations every day, they will become very real. Instead of a few minutes, you might decide to experience the affirmation all day simply because you would rather experience one emotion or action over another.

Always Easy
Keep everything nice and easy. If a few minutes a day is too overwhelming then cut back to something you could never say no to. Make it ridiculously easy to practice every day.

It Boils Down To Choices!

Quite often, we react to events in our life because we don’t ever think to realize we have a choice in the matter. When we pretend, we live our affirmations. This gives us alternatives to the way we react towards things in the future. Eventually you will desire one way of thinking and doing over another way of thinking and doing. You may be acting but you are not trying to trick yourself or to become something you are not. You are simply making choices.

It is often said that “children learn through play.” Why should we be any different?

Keep track of your progress any way you like. It’s easier to sustain daily goals when you can see that progress.


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