How To Really Make A Change In Your Life

21 Days To The New You! How to really do it!
In nearly every circle where personal growth is concerned, you will run across ole number twenty-one every time you open your eyes. Twenty-one is the number of days the majority of experts swear by. It’s the amount of time it take for a new habit to form in the place of an old one, providing the new habit has been practiced “every day” consistently throughout those twenty-one days.

Sounds Easy! However…

…things come up. It’s pretty disheartening when we look back on something we wanted to change in our lives but realized, sometimes years later, that we completely forgot to do it. Our old programing kicked in and we went right back to business as usual. Through no fault of our own, we became wrapped up in this and that until it simply didn’t take.

I would be glad to provide a nice list of “18 ways to stay focused on your goals” but really only one thing is essential. And that thing is this:

Twenty-One Days To A New Habit

It Seems Too Easy?

 I can personally say this “minimum” goal idea has drastically changed my life in many ways. I have been able to get well beyond this twenty-one day rule with everything I have tried it with. I haven't had to use the slightest bit of willpower. With this incredibly simple technique, it's all been effortless.
For example, one of my goals was to exercise every day. I never could pull it off because something would always happen during those twenty-one days to destroy the goal before it could stick. This time, instead of telling myself “I have to exercise thirty minutes a day" like all the experts are saying, I instead asked myself if I could manage at least one pushup per day. Since it was too easy to say “no” to, I found the time, got down on the floor and did my pushup.

Along The Way!

Since I had completely took “All” the pressure off of myself by asking for one pushup, I did at least that one pushup every day for about a month. But along the way, I did the one pushup and continued to do more and more. I didn’t have to do more, I just got to where I wanted to.
I currently have more energy than I had twenty years ago. I do several sets of pushups every day, totaling between 50 and 100. It’s a new habit for me now. I finally discovered a method that works. I didn't exercise this much in grade school and then I was pretty much forced to in gym class. 

So try this “minimum” approach on anything you have failed with in the past. You will be instantly amazed at how it works.

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