The Garden

A picture of a woman playing music to her flowers

   “Our Minds may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring fourth.” James Allen

   We are the gardeners of our desires. Our gardens are the direct result of the seeds we plant in them. Our garden will either produce weeds and  needles or it will produce vibrant vegetables, in direct accordance to what we put into them. There is a very good reason why this is such a common analogy in the world of the law of attraction, or for that matter, success in general; it works.

   If asked if a  plant can flourish simply by its grower talking to it, playing music for it, or loving it, the world is rightly divided. Some will say the plant is just a plant and others say that all living things are able to benefit from love and attention. It doesn’t matter what side of the argument a person lies on; one thing is certain. The person who desires a beautiful result from the gardens and the flowers, and who cares enough to nurture it along the way, will see results long before others who fail to provide the best environment.
   It is important to see  our goals and desires in exactly the same way as a garden. When we nurture the separate elements that make up our end results, we are tending our gardens correctly. When we renew our desires by visualization, writing our desires in journals, or thinking about them in positive ways, we are providing fertile ground in our minds which allow our desires to grow and eventually take the shape we would have them take. It is through this daily practice of nurturing our desires, that we become one with them.
   So use the law of attraction many times and in many ways along the road toward the manifestation of your desires. Use it at every opportunity instead of just simply using it to as a means to the end result and you will be amazed at how motivated you will become.  


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