Having It Now

I’ve received several emails from people who are having trouble with the “having it now” concept of the law of attraction. Since this is a crucial element to the law of attraction, I will address the question; first by quoting a selection from Wallace D. WattlesThe science of Getting Rich” and then move on to some effective techniques you can use to harmonize with the ability to "have it now".

   The more clearly and definite you make your picture then, and the more you dwell upon it, bringing out all its delightful details, the stronger your desire will be; and the stronger your desire, the easier it will be to hold your mind fixed upon the picture of what you want.
   Something more is necessary, however, than merely to see the picture clearly. If that is all you do, you are only a dreamer, and will have little or no power for accomplishment.
   Behind your clear vision must be the purpose to realize it; to bring it out in tangible expression.
   And behind this purpose must be an invincible and unwavering FAITH that the thing is already yours; that it is “at hand” and you have only to take possession of it.
   In the mental realm, enter at once into full enjoyment of the things you want.
  See the things you want as if they were actually around you all the time; see yourself as owning and using them. Make use of them in imagination just as you will use them when they are your tangible possessions.
                                                                      Wallace Wattles

The mind of a Child

  Children have no trouble with the sensation of “having it now. They can easily convert boxes into castles, sandboxes into swimming pools and a row of chairs into a 747.
   If you can reclaim even a fraction of the creative genius of a five year old, you will never have another problem with the all important “having it now” concept.

Get specific

    Whenever you want something, write down everything you can think of that describes the thing you are asking for. Go down your list in and pick a few of the best ones and then make a sentence out of that. If you want to attract a day of relaxation into a vacation day, instead of saying “I want to relax today” perhaps compose the sentence “I want to relax in a steaming hot bathtub, where the only sights and sounds are coming from the soothing glow of a fireplace.”
   Our minds are capable of experiencing this second sentence even if we are stuck in traffic or in a never ending line in a bank drive through. The more specific you get, the more vivid your emotional attachment to your desires.
Vision pictures

   Cut out of a magazine or download a picture that exemplifies the desire you are wanting. It’s not enough to look at it and imagine what it “would” be like “if” you had it. You must take complete ownership of this desire. If it’s a house, imagine walking through it, making subtle changes that are more in line with your personal tastes. If it's a car, put the sound system of your choice in it, paint it exactly as you would have it, and feel the sensations of wiping off a smudge as you fill up the gas tank.

Switch places with your heroes

   This technique simply means that if you are reading, watching a movie, or listening to music, put yourself in the thick of things. We do this anyway when we enjoy entertainment, but we usually do it from the “observer” stance rather than the “actor” standpoint. If we would like to experience something from the creation standpoint, simply switch places with the focal point character.
   On a personal note, this method is invaluable in being able to feel something now that you would like to feel on a personal level later. For example, I would listen to my favorite guitar players as a kid and pretend that I was the one playing. I experienced the intensity and fed off the audience just as if I had been there. Years later, when my skill increased enough to perform live myself, the reaction and emotion I received from the real audience was a perfect match for the pretending I had done as a child. This method, above all others, is the reason for my complete and total faith in the law of attraction. It has never failed me and it never will.

   Always take ownerships of your desires. Resist that natural temptation to doubt. It’s much harder to deny those things we want out of life when we have already experienced the emotion of having it already. Our brains are designed in such a way that, once we have done something once, it immediately becomes easier to do this thing again. This is why it’s so popular for olympic athletes to practice doing their routines flawlessly in their minds before attempting them in the real world. Any strong emotion that we own inside will manifest itself outside.


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