Law of Attraction - How difficult is your desire?

Law of Attraction - How difficult is your desire?


   Some desires are judged by the brain as being  difficult or impossible to achieve when they first enter the mind. Take flying an airplane for example. This may seem impossible for some people who are interested in flying, but how can it be impossible if there are several hundred thousand pilots in the United States alone? Even more telling, is that there have most likely been millions of pilots to have existed at one point or another throughout the history of aviation. How can something be impossible if millions of people have done it?
   Still, there is the tendency of thinking that something is possible for millions of other people but not for ourselves.
   One of the possible explanations for those unfortunate situations, when we allow ourselves to feel unworthy of a particular desire, may lie in where we are now in relation to where we want to be. An example of this is a penniless person who deeply desires to be financially independent. This is by far the hardest concept of the law of attraction to grasp for most people. How do I get there from here?

   The solution

   The solution to putting yourself right up there with the rest of the men and women who have achieved this thing you are wanting for yourself is to fully imprint the possibilities into your subconscious mind.

1. First prove to yourself that it is theoretically possible for others to do. I realize it’s an overdone example but you can’t beat the concept of space travel for this example. Try to put yourself back in time before the airplane was even a reality. If someone had told you that one day we would travel from planet to planet, what would your reaction to that statement be? There wasn’t any true scientific evidence that it was impossible, but that didn’t stop people from snapping to judgment.

2. Prove that it’s possible for you. There are very few times when you can truly prove that something is impossible for you that is possible for others. People have ran marathons without legs by using their hands, while people on the verge of starvation have gone on to amass great fortunes.  A way was provided for them and a way will be provided for us.

3. Last and most important is to increase your odds. You increase your odds of success every time you hold the positive thought of actually succeeding in your mind. This is perhaps the most difficult part and sometimes the results are slow. But you have to continue to think and feel wealth in the face of poverty; think and feel strong in situations that normally buckle your knees; and  continue to have faith even when we fail, which will happen many times along the way.  Often times, all we must do is give ourselves a choice between having faith or feeling desperate and defeated. Eventually, if you stick with it, your thoughts will act upon the outside world and you and your desire will be in perfect alignment. When that is the reality, nothing can stop you. All that’s left then is to take the first action of many. Every action and every instance of faith will get you there before you know it.


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