10 Ways to avoid stress

10 Ways to avoid stress

1. Identify things that stress you out before you face them and have a plan to deal with them. Most things that stress us are things that sneak up on us.

2. A good mood.. It’s easier to overlook stressful things, events or people when you you’re in a good mood. The stronger your mood, the less chance stress has to take hold in the first place.

3. Walk if you can but don’t pace. Pacing will make you more stressed than if you drank a pot of coffee while trying to keep a dozen plates spinning on sticks.

4. Don’t fight stress. It’s easier to move towards peace than it is to move away from stress. Fighting against stress is like screaming at yourself in the mirror for being angry all the time.  

5. If you are about to do something time consuming and stressful, if you have children, be sure to see to their needs before you get started. That’s no guarantee that they won’t still interrupt you, but it just might buy you some time.

6. Find easier ways to do things. The easier a stressful thing is to do, the less chance of getting stressed. The internet is full of great advice and helpful hints so why not capitalize on it?

7. On long car trips, listen to a book on tape. It might be stressful when someone cuts you off or when you’re stuck in traffic but the story will bring you right back to a more tranquil state. And in most cases, the voice actors speak with soothing tones.

8. Organize everything. Is there anything more stressful than having to look for the car keys when you’re already running a little late? Likewise, keep your documentation and mail in the same place.

9. Backup your important computer files. Losing files that are important to you can produce stress months or even years later. It’s surprising how many writers and musicians fail to back up their books and music only to lose them forever.

10. Deal with issues that keep popping up in your head or assign a time deal with them. When they pop up unexpected you can think to yourself. “I have assigned a time to you already” and often you will be free from that stressful thought for a little while.

What if you are already stressed?
Don’t fight it. Sometimes it takes stress a little while to subside. Just be easy on yourself and try to limit further instances that create stress for you. Laughter is a great way to turn the tides. Read jokes, watch a funny movie or clip on the net, or think of things that have happened to you or others that that have produced a laugh in the past. The longer you can focus on non stressful people and events, the quicker the stress will subside.


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