Goal Setting Resources

What are goal setting resources and why they are important.
It’s nice to receive reminders for your daily goals, especially if you have multiple goals. You can always just set up a calendar, put a to-do list beside it and mark off the day once all your goal steps have been performed, but there are plenty of online options as well. Many of the online options come with encouragement from other members.
So far, my favorite is habitforge.com, which is an email service that checks in with you every day to remind you to perform that day’s goal step. You can either chose to keep your goal private  or make it public. If you chose public, you will receive the occasional push of encouragement from other members.
While a good old fashioned calendar is still one of the best visual reminders, many of the online options come with a point system. In the case of hibitforge, you receive points for completing your daily goal steps but also points for helping other members.

More options
Here is a good post with an additional 10 recourses for online goal tracking. Good luck and Happy Goal Setting!


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