Get out of your rut

A picture of a maze and stuck in a rut

If you are stuck in a rut, here are a few tricks to get out. 



A rut can be a hard thing to get out of. It’s those days where you feel like your solving a maze or working a puzzle you have already completed a thousand times. But even very small changes to your daily routine can help get you out of your rut surprisingly fast. When you can say to yourself “Well, I didn’t do this yesterday” then you are on the right track.

A few Ideas

  • Change the desktop background on your computer.
  • Change your profile picture in whatever social media clients you use.
  • Take a different route to work.
  • Talk to someone you ordinarily don’t talk to.
  • If you have watch Netflix, Hulu or even Youtube videos and usually watch one genre of videos, switch it up. If you lean towards documentaries or how to videos, watch a few funny videos for example.
  • Get some fresh air. Ruts are the major reason people need vacations. If you are unfortunate enough that a vacation isn’t possible, just get outdoors.
  • Shop in a different place. You might discover a lot by doing this.
  • Rearrange your furniture a little. Change your decorations. Move your pictures and art around a little.
  • Find a new recipe, one that you have never made and cook something different.
  • Play a video game. If you already play video games, select a different genre, preferably a genre you are not very good at.
  • Change the times you do common tasks. If you clean house in a particular order, for example, change the order you clean things. 

There are millions of things you can do to break free from the “same old same old.” While it’s great to have a schedule to get things done in the most effective manner, it’s when that schedule is so engrained that we feel like we are not growing as people that it might be time to make a few harmless changes to our daily lives.
How do you do to get out of a rut? What are some of other easy suggestions to break free that others might benefit from? Share your stories.


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